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First Word

Kerygma Gabay


Do you not know that you are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwells in you? - I Corinthians 3: 16

From the Temple of God flows the river and, wherever that river flows, it brings healing and life. This Temple is the crucified body of Jesus that was brought back to life. This river is the Holy Spirit who flows from the Father and Jesus Christ upon the whole world and, wherever He flows, He brings healing and life.

The feast of Lateran Basilica is not a feast of the famous church of Rome. It is a feast of the Christian community, which is fashioned into a living temple of God where Jesus is a cornerstone and the Spirit makes it alive. From this temple, the river flows that brings healing and life to the world. You and I, together with other brothers and sisters, are this temple where God is praised and worshiped, where offerings are brought and graces are received. From you and me, from our brothers and sisters, the river of transformation-death into life, sin into grace, and evil into goodness-flows into the whole world.

Together we are formed into a temple of God. Not from you or me alone, but from us, Christian people, the river of healing and life flows.

Please don't pollute this water, because this water comes from the sanctuary!. Fr. Peter K.

Ezekiel 47:1-2,
Psalm 84: 3-6,8,11
1 Corinthians 3:9-11,

John 2: 13-22

God's kingdom is within you. Let it shine.

Today, Lord, I affirm that I am a child of God, holy and dearly loved.

pray for us.

Copyright 2000 Updated October 2000
Independent Women