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First Word

Kerygma Gabay


My eager expectation and hope is that I shall not be put to shame in any way...- Philippians 1:20

I was deeply moved by the story of Shayum Sigahara, a Japanese ambassador to Lithuania in the 1930s.

One morning, as Sigahara was just one step away from his goal of becoming the Japanese ambassador to Russia, a huge throng of people gathered outside his home. They were Jews who had made their way across the terrain from Poland, desperately seeking his help. They wanted Japanese visas which would enable them to flee Eastern Europe and the Gestapo. Sigahara wired Tokyo three times for permission to provide visas, only to he denied each time.

Sigahara chose to disobey orders. For 28 days, he wrote visas by hand, barely sleeping and eating. Ultimately, he saved 6,500 people.

Sigahara was not only a courageous Japanese. He was also a committed Christian. He spent his remaining days in Japan selling light balls. A long way from his dream. When his son was asked, "How did Your father feel about his choice?" the young man replied, "My father's life was fulfilled. When God needed him to do the right thing, he was available to do it. "

I often ask myself. If God calls me, would I do the right thing? Would you, too? Claire O.

Philippians 1:18-26
Psalm 42: 2-3, 5
Luke 14:1, 7-11

If your dreams are different from what God wants you to do, will you still obey Him?

Loving Jesus, grant me the character I need to fulfill my duty. When the final test comes, allow me to pass it with honor.

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pray for us.

Copyright 2000 Updated October 2000
Independent Women