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First Word

Kerygma Gabay


...not because of any righteous deeds we had done but because of His mercy... - Titus 3: 5

I have an aunt who I thought, for the longest time, was the epitome of a person on her way to heaven. She'd rise early every morning to attend Mass, had her family pray the Rosary daily, was a member cal CWL and Carmelite lay group, extremely active in her parish. The works. But, as the years passed and I grew older, I learned more about her than I ever wanted to know. She was quick to cover-up her children's major mistakes (like drugs, adultery), sided with her son's mistress rather than his wife, and even made up some stories of her own. My bubble burst. About her and the journey to heaven.

We could never earn our way into heaven. No matter how many Masses we attend daily or novenas or Rosaries said. Never. Besides, we don't need to. Why? Simply because Jesus already paid for our place. He's our ticket to heaven. It's through Him and in Him and with Him that we could make it. Not by our actions, deeds or word But through our faith in His love for us. A writer once said that we're not people striving to be saints but rather saints who occasionally sin. Tisha L.

Titus 3: 1-7
Psalm 23:1-6
Luke 17: 11-19

The first step
to perfection is to admit your imperfection.

Lord, today, I am reminded that it is by grace that I am saved.

pray for us.

Copyright 2000 Updated October 2000
Independent Women