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First Word

Kerygma Gabay


...in this way stand firm in the Lord, beloved. - Philippians 4: 1

It would have meant a different kind of experience!

The thought of serving the Lord in foreign missions once fascinated me. I was encouraged by my peers to apply as a lay missionary to an unknown island in the Pacific.

The people behind the program required that I leave my teaching job and immerse myself for a year in various apostolates to better prepare me for the huge tasks ahead. I did as I was told.

I was enjoying myself immensely with the apostolic works I was in. What pained me, however, was that our family business started to dwindle---until, one day, it went bankrupt. I wanted to support my parents then. But how could I as I was under obedience?

Criticisms were hurled against me. Out of desperation, my mother told me: "Stop performing your apostolates! You have spent enough time, money, and effort for them! You have served God enough!"

Although those biting words dampened my spirit, I've remained steadfast to this day.

Looking back, I haven't regretted what I've done for God. I may not be in foreign missions now, but I'm reaping the fruits of those labours! Wilson M.

Philippians 3: 17-4: 1
Psalm 122: 1-5
Luke 16:1-8

Performing His works is our best investment in this shrewd world. Fix your eyes on Jesus.

Lord Jesus Christ, let nothing discourage us as we store heavenly treasures for Your glory.

St.Aed Mac,
pray for us.

Copyright 2000 Updated October 2000
Independent Women