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First Word

Kerygma Gabay


They all ate and were satisfied. - Matthew 15: 37

During the height of the Charismatic renewal groups, our community for young, single professionals was on our second Christian Life Program (CLP). On the third week of the program, that is Talk No. 3, we didn't expect an increase in the number of participants. The CLP was then held in a brother's house and we'd use the kitchen to prepare the snacks. However, some sisters assigned had it prepared in another place. When the participants arrived, we got anxious as we thought that the food might not suffice. The participants that attended the first and second talks probably liked what they had experienced that they brought in friends the next meeting.

The team gathered, prayed and asked for guidance for, in a short while, the food will be served. Praise God! We cut the sandwiches in half and some more food were just brought in.

After all the participants had been served, there were still more left for the service team.

Jesus truly feeds those whom He has called. We were fed physically and more, spiritually, by the sharing of the brothers and sisters of the Word of God, by their experiences, and by being Jesus to one another. We all left full and satisfied. Ginger U.

Isaiah 25: 6-10
Psalm 23: 1-6,
Matthew 15: 29-37

Offer your five loaves and two fish… and watch Him multiply them.

My God will fully supply whatever you need, in accord with His glorious riches in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4: 19)

St. Dionysia,
Majoricus and
pray for us.

Copyright 2000 Updated October 2000
Independent Women