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First Word

Kerygma Gabay


...with a little child to guide them. Isaiah 11:6

A little after Patti turned two, we started having our Mommy-&-Patti-Saturday- mornings out, usually at the malls, shopping or browsing. When we're done, I ask her if it's time to go home, The usual reply: "Not yet, Mom. Ice cream!" then she leads the way. There she states at the display, awed by the different yummy-looking flavors and colors before her, waiting for her taste test. After trying a couple, I ask her if I can choose for her and she agrees. I order a scoop for her and a couple of cookies.

Despite the feast before her, she always lets me choose, trusting that I'll always choose the yummiest. Of course, all the flavors are good and the cookie selections are great, but she's choosy. Yet, somehow, I always manage to choose what she'd enjoy because I know her pretty well, she is after all, my little girl.

I've realized that on Saturday mornings, she doesn't just lead me to the ice cream shop, she leads me, too, to the area of trust. Like Patti, I should simply trust the Lord when I bring Him to the ice cream shop of life that He'll choose the best tasting cookies He can find. After all, I am His little girl. Arlene U.

Isaiah 11: 1-10
Psalm 72: 1,7-8
12-13, 17
Luke 10: 21-24

Challenge that self-defeating vicious cycle- believe that God will not scrimp on you.

I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.

St. Crispina,
pray for us.

Copyright 2000 Updated October 2000
Independent Women